The Influence of Study Motivation Abroad to Students’ Happiness

  • Sheivianah Disya Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti
  • Lestari Ningrum Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti


Studying abroad has been a very foreign idea up until a few years ago when the number of Indonesian students studying abroad kept steadily increasing. Studying abroad not only affects students’ life but also their state of happiness, there have been only a few of research done on this subject to understand the benefits of studying abroad. This research objective is to know the influence of study motivation abroad to students’ happiness. The number of respondents in this research is 100 people, with research method of descriptive with quantitative approach. As for data analysis method, the researcher uses validity test, reliability test, and coefficient correlation which are processed by using the spss version 25.00. The result of this research shows that the highest factor affecting motivation is family with mean value of 3.41, as for happiness the highest factor affecting it is challenge with mean value of 3.66. The magnitude of the influence of study motivation towards students’ happiness accounted for 41.6%. Future research and study is expected to be more proactive in understanding the influence of students’ motivation in studying abroad towards their happiness. 

How to Cite
DISYA, Sheivianah; NINGRUM, Lestari. The Influence of Study Motivation Abroad to Students’ Happiness. Tourism Proceeding, [S.l.], p. 48 - 55, july 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 feb. 2025.