Strategies for Developing Nature-based Tourism Destination in the Dieng Plateau as a Sustainable Tourism

  • Ayu Setya Kemalasari Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Malidya Puspita Ayu Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Meisa Sofia Institut Teknologi Bandung


The Dieng Plateau has a beautiful nature-based tourism destination including Kawah Sikidang, Telaga Merdada, Kawah Sileri, Sumur Jalatunda, Kawah Candradimuka, Telaga Warna Telaga Pengilon, and Curug Pitu, which visited both by domestic and foreign tourists. Along with the tourism development, the Dieng Plateau experienced environmental degradation due to a large number of potato farms that took clean water sources from telaga coupled with the lack of consideration of the carrying capacity. This is not in accordance with the vision that realizes the Dieng Plateau and its surroundings as a quality and sustainable tourism. This qualitative-descriptive study aims to formulate a strategy for developing nature-based tourism in the Dieng Plateau to achieve tourism sustainability through several stages, namely (1) identify the current development of nature-based tourism, (2) formulate the problems and constraints using SWOT analysis, and (3) develop strategies and activities with phasing strategies that are divided into short and long-term. The results show the tourism development in the area is still on the developing stage relate to public facilities, tourism facilities, and accessibilities. It means to be a sustainable nature-based tourism destination, the Dieng Plateau needs collaboration for both region on developing the potential tourism resource and optimize local participation.

How to Cite
KEMALASARI, Ayu Setya; AYU, Malidya Puspita; SOFIA, Meisa. Strategies for Developing Nature-based Tourism Destination in the Dieng Plateau as a Sustainable Tourism. Tourism Proceeding, [S.l.], p. 56 - 65, july 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025.