The Influences of Behavioral Factors Moderated by Information Technology and Competitive Advantages on Sustainability of MSME Craft Business in North Sulawesi

  • Agustinus Walansendow Manado State Polytechnic
  • Silvya Mandey Sam Ratulangi University
  • Herman Karamoy Sam Ratulangi University
  • Lisbeth Mananeke Sam Ratulangi University


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are business units managed by community groups, with a strategic role in national economic development because they absorb a large number of workers. This study uses a quantitative approach, while a sample of 80 craftsmen, in the form of natural stones, rattan, bamboo, shells, pottery, coconut shells and shells, and wooden handicrafts, are managed by MSMEs, and have superior products in North Sulawesi. Furthermore, the data analysis method involved in SmartPLS software, version 2.0.m3, is run on computer media. Competitive Advantage Construction, provided by R-Square 0.820 contribution and adjusted value 0.813, which means that 81.3% is 18.7% and other factors are not examined within the scope of this study. R-Square 0.972 and adjustment value 0.9710, which shows that 97.10% is influenced by it and the remaining 2.90% is influenced by other factors. Information Technology Design, contributed r-Square of 0.857, with an adjusted value of 0.851, which means that 85.10% is influenced by IT, while the remaining 4.90% is a result of other factors not examined.

How to Cite
WALANSENDOW, Agustinus et al. The Influences of Behavioral Factors Moderated by Information Technology and Competitive Advantages on Sustainability of MSME Craft Business in North Sulawesi. Tourism Proceeding, [S.l.], p. 304 - 314, july 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025.