Pelatihan Digital Transformation Pelatihan Digital Transformation in Hospitality 4.0 bagi Mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, Tangerang

Pelatihan Digital Transformation in Hospitality 4.0 bagi Mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, Tangerang

  • Dino Gustaf Leonandri STP Trisakti


This article describes the Digital Transformation in Hospitality 4.0, a training activity to open the knowledge horizon of the hospitality management students at Multimedia Nusantara University, Serpong through an introduction to the application of 4.0 technology in the tourism industry. The purpose of this activity is to explain the importance of digital transformation in tourism industry especially the hotel industry in Indonesia in order not to be left behind from other countries. Along with one of the ministry's strategic Tourism programs in an effort to win the market in the industrial Era 4.0 to reach the number of targeted tourists. Tourism 4.0 will target millennials that currently reach 50 percent of the total inbound tourists to Indonesia. The method used in community service is socialization, tutorial, discussion and evaluation. The partner of this dedication is the University of Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong. The trainees consist of 200 UMN hospitality students and invitations from several tourism high schools in Jabotabek. The result of this training is that participants can see from the perspective of consumers that is the reality of consumer behavior that has been very digital and the dominant millennial travellers in the composition of the present era.

How to Cite
LEONANDRI, Dino Gustaf. Pelatihan Digital Transformation Pelatihan Digital Transformation in Hospitality 4.0 bagi Mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, Tangerang. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Pariwisata, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 11 - 16, june 2020. ISSN 2715-923X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025. doi: